Wednesday 18 February 2015


We will go back to some of our tweets of interest of the past week and expand further on the indicators that we presented as they affect the security situation of a country. When we produce vulnerability assessments for our clients, six threat factors are analyzed and assessed while four hazards are also analyzed and assessed. If gaps are identified they are covered by atmospherics elements. The goal of our tweets is to highlight and provide examples of the research that we do.

From 14 February:

1.  "Our analysts still come across travel suggestions for countries that are not safe for tourism. Travelers: use common sense, good judgement".

From 15 February:

2.  "Did you know? Most "Travel Assistance" firms offer services for a steep fee that are available for free from other sources. Buyer beware!

Our Comment: Our team of researchers come across many instances of questionable travel suggestions to destinations that are outright hazardous for travelers and that on a regular basis! Many travel destinations either be for leisure of for business prospecting are not recommended at all unless private security firms or travel risk mitigation firms such as us are consulted for a successful trip abroad with risks quantification, threats and hazards mitigation via thorough analysis and a full vulnerability assessment along with recommended courses of actions. Business travelers and tourists may often not be appraised of the many dangers that await them in certain countries.

Thorough due diligence is not always achieved by our competition.

Such is the case when using the word intelligence by them. More recently we also have uncovered that the acronym OSINT is also misused from time to time by others in the travel risk management industry. Not fully grasping what is intelligence and what is OSINT can have serious repercussions for the end user. By simply reporting the news as OSINT is very problematic for many reasons. The same can be equally worrying when these same companies use speculation on a specific matter and twist it as "intelligence".
In order to be well advised prior to traveling to a higher risk country, we recommend at the very least a comprehensive assessment of all potential threats and hazards at the destination accompanied by pertinent risk quantification, analysis and an easy to follow course of action in order to remain safer while abroad. We consider anything less as unacceptable.

We welcome inquiries so we can determine your security needs. Your first consultation is always free. We invite you to review our past twitter posts @parsecconsult as well as this blog's entries. We encourage feedback and questions to our

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