Wednesday 17 September 2014


We will go back to some of our tweets of interest of the past week and expand further on the indicators that we presented as they affect the security situation of a country. When we produce vulnerability assessments for our clients, six threat factors are analyzed and assessed while four hazards are also analyzed and assessed. If gaps are identified they are covered by atmospherics elements. The goal of our tweets is to highlight and provide examples of the research that we do.

From 11 September:

1.  Morocco update: We have indicators that some popular tourist areas likely to be targeted by jihadists. Consult us prior to travel there.

From 15 September:

2. After the UK, Australia raises its terror alert level. Other western countries likely to follow in next days. Attacks unlikely in near term.

Our comment: Unlike our competition within the travel risk mitigation industry, we offer free indicators via our twitter account. These indicators and warnings are usually pertaining to the security situation of a country or a region. In addition, dissimilar to our competitors we do not have to rely on the latest news to alert our clients of an event as we articulate accurate intelligence assessments (to include updates) for travelers so they are appraised of possible future events such as potential threats and existing hazards along with fairly simple courses of action to implement in order to mitigate and to promote avoidance those risks so our clients can focus on their goals while abroad. Indicators never depict the whole situation but merely offer a piece of the puzzle. In order to introduce our audience to what it is we exactly do for international travelers to higher risk countries and regions we have included several links to past blog posts which we strongly feel will best illustrate our services:

Our outlook: Other firms in the travel risk mitigation industry often alert their clients at the very last minute (i.e. when or after an event occurs) as they have limited means to carry out their enterprise and to achieve the expected results for their clients, they also must offer several complementary services that are often complicated to follow and always very expensive such as evacuation services, close escort services, etc. We at PAR-SEC Consulting carefully research, study, analyze and assess what our clients need to know, well before potential events are to occur by using the latest and proven intelligence analysis techniques, to include predictive analysis, human terrain as well as social media monitoring and other expertise. Our clients stay safer while abroad.

We welcome inquiries so we can determine your security needs. Your first consultation is always free. We invite you to review our past twitter posts @parsecconsult as well as this blog's entries. We encourage feedback and questions to our

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